Friday, May 21, 2004

Polly Jean.

Been listening to tracks off the new PJ Harvey album ("Uh Huh Her" *EDIT* thats the title of the album and not a comment on my part, just in case you were wondering*END EDIT*).
you can find em here on her website.

'The letter' and 'Who the fuck'. I think they're fantastic, even better
than the tracks off the last (great!) album , which was my first proper introduction to her stuff.

And the best thing is I'm gonna see her live at Witnness ( Sorry, Oxegen .. still think Hydrogen would be a better name since it's Heineken and all. Maybe they're trying to be clever and not do the obvious.)

Oh yes. I have a job interview on monday. I'm both thrilled and terrified.

Fridays are great.

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